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140+ Best Military Jokes: Bringing Laughter to Those Who Serve

The military is a place where serious things happen, but it’s also a place where humor thrives. From boot camp to deployment, soldiers use jokes to lighten the mood, relieve stress, and build camaraderie. Military jokes are unique, often using a mix of military jargon, acronyms, and references to military life. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best military jokes that are sure to make you laugh.

The Importance of Humor in the Military

The military can be a stressful and dangerous environment, and humor can help soldiers cope with the challenges they face. Humor is a natural stress-reliever and can help soldiers to relax and feel better. It can also be used to build camaraderie and a sense of unity within a unit. A good joke can make soldiers laugh and forget about their problems for a moment, which can help to boost morale and keep them motivated.

Army Jokes

  1. What does ARMY mean to you? A Recruiter Misled You
  2. What is a Soldier’s least favorite month? MARCH!
  3. Why aren’t there any insects in an Army base? It’s a NO FLY zone!
  4. Why did the Soldier bring a blanket to an active battle zone? He needed COVER!
  5. Before joining the army, I was a professional painter. After joining the services, I was asked not to use AK-47 as I kept drawing fire!
  6. How does a pirate speak if he has served a long time in the military? He would probably speak like Army matey!
  7. I visited my brother, who was in the army. In his garden, the only plants that grow are an am-bush!
  8. What do you call a Russian sniper from the Soviet Army who never misses his target? He is the most skilled marxman in the military.
  9. What do you call an army doctor who is an expert in surgery and was knighted for his services? He is Sir Gen!
  10. What do you call the military officers who command all the marching troops of the army? They are all top brass!
  11. What do you say if an unknown army ranger tries to strike up a conversation with you? You call it a ranger danger!
  12. What happened to the karate expert when he joined the military? He almost chopped off his head while trying to perfect the army salute!
  13. What uniform does a cow wear if he joins the army? He most definitely wears a cow-moo-flage
  14. When I sent my little kid to the army, they posted him in the infant-ry!
  15. Which animal is most likely to join the military and even has it in its name? It's an army-dillo!
  16. Which famous singer would be ideally suited to join the ancient Roman army? It would most likely be Britney Spears!
  17. While raiding Saddam Hussein's house, the US army found out that he kept all his CDs and DVDs in Iraq!
  18. Why will you find no insects in any army base? Because it is a no fly zone!
  19. You will never find any medicine for pain relief in the army med center because the paras ate em all!

Navy Jokes

  1. What grades do you need to get to join the Navy? At least SEVEN Cs!
  2. What’s the difference between a special forces member of the Navy and an otter? One is a SEAL, and the other is an otter!
  3. A senior navy officer had a bad habit of making fun of his juniors and dismissing them after sunset. It was called a diss-charge!
  4. What happened to the soldier who couldn't qualify for the Marines by just a few marks? He was assigned to the navy as he was a sub-marine!
  5. How does a navy officer bid goodbye to a coast guard? He usually says, Sea-l you later.
  6. What did the navy personnel say to his friend when they encountered trouble? The former said to the latter that they were in the same boat!
  7. What did the pirate captain say when they saw a US Navy ship charging towards them? The captain exclaimed, Ohh damn, it's the USArrrrrrr.
  8. What did the religious fanatic navy sailor do when he sees other navy vessels? He usually warships them!
  9. What do you call a soldier who just joined the navy out of spite? You simply call him a petty officer!
  10. What grades are absolutely required to become a navy personnel? You need to have already 7Cs.
  11. What happened to the navy officer who went to see a mind reader? Apparently, there was no charge!
  12. What is the best way to define the navy of a nation that is highly conservative? They usually call the navy as censor ship!
  13. What is the best way to describe the post a snail gets when he joins the navy? He gets the post of a sailor!
  14. What is the main difference between an otter and a special navy personnel? One is a seal, while the other is an otter.
  15. What is usually the color of submarines? They are usually deep navy in color!
  16. While out on work, what is always the most important job of Marines? They always make sure that the navy doesn't get wet in their feet!
  17. Why do Norwegian navy ships all have barcode imprinted on them? It is probably because when they return home, they can scan-di-nav-ian!
  18. Why was the guy who just passed high school and wanted to join the navy rejected when he was asked if he knew how to swim or not? Because he instantly replied, Won't there be any boats in the navy?
  19. Why was the military private scolded when he questioned the color of the navy uniform? Because he asked why the navy uniform was navy blue in color and not aqua-marine!
  20. Why were all the sailors of the navy unable to play cards with one another? It was simply because the captain was sitting on the deck!

Air Force Jokes

  1. Why is the United States Air Force the most patriotic military branch? They’re U.S. AF!
  2. Once a fly got inside the helmet of an air force pilot. The pilot claimed that the fly was a space invader!
  3. The air official always carried two sticks of dynamite in the boot of his car. He kept it as a safety check in case he needed to blow up the tires!
  4. What did the father say to his daughter when she asked about his memorable day as military personnel? With a smile, he replied that it was the day he asked a junior officer to bring a pair of batteries for his Chem light!
  5. What do you call a soldier giving birth to a baby on a fighter jet plane? You call the baby airborne!
  6. What does the car number plate of a dentist of the air force read? It reads Top Gum!
  7. What is the best way to describe if a platoon of large fighter jets makes a formation of a Mac aircraft? It is usually called a big Mac attack!
  8. What is the number of air force pilots that are required to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change it while the other does a barrel roll!
  9. What kind of reactions does an air force pilot experience in the middle of a war? He experiences both flight and fight!
  10. Which is the ideal way to play bingo with an air force fighter jet pilot? It usually goes like this - A-10, B-06, F-16.
  11. Why do air force pilots carry dogs with them in the cockpit? So that no one else can touch the controls of the plane!
  12. Why do fighter airplanes have propellers in them? Their main purpose is to keep the pilots cool. If there isn't one in the plane, the pilots will seriously start sweating!
  13. Why do the air force parachute manufacturers have the easiest jobs? Because even if their parachutes don't work, the person who had been using it never complains!
  14. What similarity do the three branches of the military have with respect to the stars? The navy is known to travel with the help of stars, while the army usually sleeps under the stars. The air force, on the other hand, usually chooses places and restaurants based on stars!

Best Jokes

  1. A particular branch of the military absolutely loves and adores equestrians. They are most definitely the neigh-vy!
  2. Ab owl, which has been recruited by the military, greets everyone by saying Hoo-ah!
  3. Even though his daughter got an A in the maths test, why was the Admiral extremely angry? Because he thought she spent less time on conquering and a rather more time on dividing!
  4. How do you describe an exercise sergeant who is very calm and polite in nature? You say that is the drill sergentleman!
  5. How does a veteran season his food when he usually cooks dinner? He uses a pepper spray and a salt rifle!
  6. I advised my brother not to be upset if his cavalry officer didn't tank him for his work!
  7. If you find a list consisting of all the E-4s, then you are looking at the specia-lists!
  8. In the 'Avatar' movie, what was a major flaw of the human military unit? They would be successful if they used the Na'vi!
  9. In the midst of a huge firefight, I lost both my arms, yet I shouldered on anyway!
  10. In which unit would a plant sapling be recruited? He would most definitely be placed in the infan-tree!
  11. My brother occupies a big post in the military and always carries a stick with him. He is the staff sergeant!
  12. My military friend, before hitting the dance floor, always retorts, Hey, cover me when I move from here.
  13. Once I forgot to bring my military gadgets for the top mission. So I exclaimed in anger, All shoot!
  14. One of the best friends of a soldier is his camera. The cam-o often plays a cameo role in a mission!
  15. Soldiers who usually wear sleeveless clothes always have the right to bare arms!
  16. The best way to refer to someone who accidentally got under a tank is to name him crunchy!
  17. The ideal way to reply to military personnel if they give you something is to say 'Tank You'.
  18. The military recently invented a new variety of laser? It uses ultra-violent light!
  19. The old veteran, while recounting his tales, claimed that in his time, a chieftain was just a rank and not a tank!
  20. The only month which all the troops of the military absolutely hate the most is March!
  21. The only thing which a military personnel does to pass off his leisure time is to read a magazine!
  22. The only way a military soldier gets rid of bugs is with the help of a Raid!
  23. There was a soldier who ran away without repaying his loans. People started calling it a loan shark!
  24. There was a soldier who was pepper-sprayed and hit with mustard gas at the same time in his fourth tour. All his friends call him a seasoned veteran!
  25. What did the co-pilot reply when the pilot of the jet said hurrah after hitting the sonic boom and going faster than the speed of sound? The co-pilot simply asked, What did you say? I couldn't hear anything.
  26. What did the friends of the deer call him when he was enlisted in the military? They all started calling him a bombardeer!
  27. What did the military name a special armored vehicle that has artificial intelligence in it? The military named it the 'Think Tank'.
  28. What did the sailor say when he was about to make drastic changes at his work? He said that he would take a course on anchor management!
  29. What did the soldier reply when his commanding officer said, I couldn't see you at the camouflage training? The soldier, with a proud smile, replied, Thanks, sir, I'll keep this work up.
  30. What do military soldiers watch in their spare time? They usually watch LMTVs.
  31. What do refer to the officer who commands a regiment of the star force? You most definitely call him as a stargent!
  32. What do you call a company that makes prosthetic limbs for soldiers? They are most definitely arms dealers!
  33. What do you call a corn who occupies a commanding position in the military? He is the kernel!
  34. What do you call a military officer who always loves playing melodic pentatonic major scales and no minor scales? You are bound to call him a flat major!
  35. What do you call a military officer who visits the bathroom way too often? You should call him a lootenant!
  36. What do you call a military soldier who ends up saving a couple of important things? You call it the reserves!
  37. What do you call a weapon which is fully loaded with ammunition? You call it a ri-full!
  38. What do you do if you find a marine who is very hungry? You offer him a sub sandwich!
  39. What do you refer to as a military soldier who takes a dump in front of his team? If most definitely is a troop poop!
  40. What do you say when a military soldier applies camo paint on his left face? You say he has a good right face!
  41. What does a military soldier usually do if he has to go out to have dinner? He usually makes the reservations!
  42. What happens when a military soldier makes cookies made out of chocolate chips? You are going to find a lot of shells of M&M on the floor!
  43. What is the best way to describe a military car that will never listen and believe a single word that you say? It most definitely is a skeptic tank.
  44. What is the best way to describe a military strategy plan which is extremely smelly? You are bound to call it an opodor!
  45. What is the best way to describe a soldier who goes to work in the midst of a game? You call it a deployment!
  46. What is the best way to describe soldiers who go to get only a single slice of an orange? They go in a wedge!
  47. What is the best way to discover if a military soldier has used a laptop? You can find the wite-out on the screen!
  48. What is the best way to refer to a military officer who always makes you stay with them? You call him a company commander!
  49. What is the best way to refer to a military private who completely exposed his position to the enemy? It no longer is private but is now public!
  50. What is the ideal name for a regiment of bunny rabbits who have been trained by the military to fly in the skies? You say that they are the hare force!
  51. What is the ideal way to call a military soldier who has a couple of tours under his belt and can take very good care of animals? You most definitely refer to him as a vet!
  52. What is the main difference between the training of the military and that of the boy scouts? The boy scouts usually have a lot of adult supervision!
  53. What is the main similarity between a military veteran and a professional volleyball player? They both know how to serve!
  54. What is the name of the father of Eddie Vedder, who was a military leader and a skilled Jedi? He was the Darth Vedder!
  55. What is usually the alarm time set for an optometrist? He usually sets it at 20:20!
  56. What major accident happened when a tank by accident ran over two boxes of popcorns? Three kernels got extremely hurt!
  57. What post would a belly button get if he decided to join the military? He would usually get the post of a naval officer!
  58. What special posts are available in the military for mammals with long necks? They are usually assigned to the team of GI raffe!
  59. What usually happens to any soldier who visits an enemy bar to do his stand up set? He usually ends up bombing!
  60. What was the specialization of the drill instructor who was also a dentist in the military? He was known for his extractions!
  61. What would be the ideal name of a weapon if a soldier goes to war with the arms of a T-Rex? It would probably be small arms.
  62. When I got promoted from captain to its next higher post, my friend congratulated me by saying, I know this is a major day for you.
  63. Where are all the botanists posted when they join the military? They are all selected for the root camp!
  64. Which day of the year is celebrated as the World Military Day? It usually is March forth!
  65. Which genre of music is usually enjoyed by the majority of the soldiers? Soldiers usually prefer Ruck and Roll!
  66. Which is the best word to describe the biggest of all military personnel? They are the majors!
  67. Which is the ideal place for all military personnel to buy their shoes? They all buy their shoes from the boot camp!
  68. Which is the ideal way to describe the post of 10 military captains? You call it a capten!
  69. Which is the only place of a military barrack that requires the maximum cleaning? It is usually the Mess hall!
  70. Which is the place where generals are usually known to keep the armies? They usually keep them in the sleevies!
  71. Which section of the military collaborates with the police and takes down the selling of banned substances? It is the joint task force!
  72. While fighting behind the enemy lines, if an enemy personnel gifts you important information you should always flank them!
  73. While on a mission, a soldier uses a wea-pen to write letters!
  74. While serving top-secret missions in the rainforests, a military soldier keeps his breath minty by using tic at-tac-k!
  75. Why are all the clothes of the military of the same exact size? Because they are all uniform clothes!
  76. Why are soldiers asked to wear their top uniform during any ceremony? Because in the military casual tees are not at all accepted!
  77. Why are soldiers buried 10 feet in the ground after they pass away? It is probably because they are all good people deep down!
  78. Why did one soldier put a blanket on top of the other soldier in the midst of a battle? Because the former said, Cover me now.
  79. Why did the military start making rockets and missiles out of wheat and flour? Because the rockets would be bread for combat!
  80. Why does the military have trees in them? It's obvious because there are so many branches!
  81. Why is it illegal to eat ice cream while you are in service in the military? Because desserting is an arrestable offense.
  82. Why was my friend extremely upset when he asked me about my post in the military? I think it was probably because I told him that it was private.
  83. Why was the major angry when the owl decided to take a leave without informing the authorities? Because the owl went AWOL!
  84. Why was the major of the military not on Twitter? Because he was adamant that he would never surrender or retweet!
  85. Why was the soldier very careful in front of his commanding officer on Thanksgiving day? Because his senior was a full bird colonel.
  86. Why was the Spanish boy whose father was in the military happy during Christmas? Because it was Feliz navi-dad!
  87. Why was the typographer instantly hired in the military? Because he had a lot of experience on arial combat!

Short Military Jokes

  1. An officer calls a young Soldier to attention, scolding him for not attending camouflage training that morning. Thank you, sir. the Soldier responds.
  2. Oh, you’re a troop who survived pepper spray AND mustard gas? Well, I, too, am a SEASONED Veteran!
  3. What do hungry Marines eat? SUB sandwiches!
  4. What do you call a group of kids who enlists in the military? The INFANTry!
  5. What do you call a military officer who goes to the bathroom a lot? A LOOtenant!
  6. What do you call a training sergeant who’s very kind and respectful? A drill serGENTLEMEN!
  7. What do you call someone who joined the military out of spite? A PETTY officer!
  8. What should have been the day we chose to celebrate World Military Day? March forth!
  9. Why didn’t the troop tell anyone about their rank in the military? It was PRIVATE.
  10. Why do optometrists set their clocks to military time? They want their patients to see 20:20!
  11. Why does the military have a strict dress code for ceremonies and events? Civilian CASUAL TEES are not acceptable.

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